הראיון ההומוריסטי שיכול להכניס להריון
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לעיתים אנו מבקשים להתנתק מהמציאות הקשה שאנו פוגשים בה באזורנו . הנה סירטון מיו טיוב שיגרום לכם לצחוק במלא פיכם. כך היה מתבטא איש חמס אילו רואיין על ידי התיקשורת העולמית.
אני כבר בן שבע עשרה וזה קרה היום וגם לפני 70 שנה
השבוע חגגתי ימי הולדת 17 לשלושה נכדים
ביום שבת לנכדה והיום לנכד ונכדה תאומים.
הסתכלתי עליהם גבוהים ויפים
הנכד עבר את הגובה שלי באותו גיל 181 סמ
המישפט "אני בן 17 " עורר בי זיכרונות
לקריאת הפוסט
מי הוא האיש שמצליח לרגש רבים ולגרום לנו לריגוש
המילים היוצאות מפיו הן נבואה וציווי לעולם להכיר בזכותנו להתקיים בארץ אבותינו.
זה מה שעשה ביקור במישרפות של אושויץ ובירקנאו. שם ראה את הזוועות ואת תאור שיירות היהודים שנאספו מכל קצוות תבל והובלו...
לקריאת הפוסט
הנה קרב יום העצמאות ה70 לקום המדינה ולא נישכח את הנופלים
אמהות שאיבדו את בניהן במילחמות ישראל שילמו מחיר יקר והיו אמהות ששיכלו שניים מילדיהן.
יוסי גמזו הטיב לתאר את השכול בשיר שכתב לכבודה של כלת פרס ישראל אם הבנים.
ניזכור את הבנים שנפלו על הגנת...
לקריאת הפוסט
מוטק’ה גם בפייסבוק
סייר תמונות
ליעקב גרשון, שבת שלום.
המראוין שצולם ביום 21 יולי 2010 Walid Shoebat שיש לו אתר אינטרנט משלו.
Who is Walid?
Biography of Walid Shoebat
For the recor...
ליעקב גרשון, שבת שלום.
המראוין שצולם ביום 21 יולי 2010 Walid Shoebat שיש לו אתר אינטרנט משלו.
Who is Walid?
Biography of Walid Shoebat
For the record, my name is Walid Shoebat. I used to be a radicalized Muslim willing to die for the cause of Jihad until I converted to Christianity in 1994. As a member of the PLO I was involved in terror activity, and was imprisoned in Jerusalem for three weeks. In prison, I was recruited to plant a bomb in Bethlehem as a result of which, thank God, no one was injured. My mother was an American and my father a Palestinian Arab. My parents sent me in 1978 to the United States to study at Loop College in Chicago Illinois. There I was recruited at a hotel “Terror Conference” by Jamal Said, a founder of the IAP (Islamic Association of Palestine) and Imam at one of the largest mosques in Chicago. The IAP was a forerunner to today’s Hamas terror organization and also to the terror front group CAIR (Council for American Islamic relations). This was in the early 1980s when I was being trained for Jihad activities in the USA along with many other young foreigners as well as US citizens. The Imams were the prime recruiters for terrorism then as they are still today and terror conferences are held all over the USA to this day. Here is a link to a sample we have on video which was held in 1989, over twelve years before the 9/11 attacks.
Today, Jamal Said is still the Imam of the Bridgeview Mosque in Chicago. Based on my eye witness testimony, he supports terrorism and and is a major player in the operations of the Jihadi movements in the USA – yet he is still free at large. I state the above so you know, Congressman King, my background and firsthand knowledge of the issue. I speak to the American people to warn and educate them about the very great dangers which are very underplayed both by our media and our political leaders.
Now that you have brief details of my background, I would like to offer my expert opinion, if you can call me an expert – but perhaps an experienced former terrorist would be more appropriate.
We focus on Al-Qaeda, yet the danger is not only from Al-Qaeda but also other Islamic terror groups. Our administration, however, focuses on a narrow tunnel. Let’s look at some examples: Abu Mezer, during 2007, intended to blow up a subway system. He was a member of Hamas, not Al-Qaeda. Najibullah Zazi was a member of Al-Qaeda, Shahzad belonged to the Taliban and Abu-Mezer was a member of Hamas – which one is a greater threat? All of these terrorists were influenced in one way or another by the Muslim Brotherhood, the cartel and mother umbrella of all terror organizations.
Our policy which places Al-Qaeda as the number one threat is an incorrect premise. All Islamist organizations should be a priority beginning with CAIR and ISNA (Islamic Association of North America). These, along with the MSA (Muslim Students Association), promote the Jihad terror agenda and are responsible for spreading Radical Islam. The US University campuses are a major recruiting ground for terrorists.
All terrorists are radicalized through undue influence by Islamist organizations beginning with their local Mosque as well as from abroad. The US home grown terrorists Zazi and Shahzad traveled to Qatar and Pakistan in August 2008 in an attempt to reach Afghanistan. They intended to “conduct Jihad against America [the] Occupier,” they said.
We need to stop recognizing the legitimacy of Muslim pressure groups. We must understand that these so-called moderate Muslims have been proven as misrepresenting themselves to the media and the public. They are part and parcel of the Muslim Brotherhood apparatus to distract the public and mislead people on the issues of the Radical Muslim agenda.
Imam Rauf, who has been given a significant level of respect by our government, is a supporter of terrorism. He made the follwing statement in Arabic: “People asked me right after the 9/11 attacks as to why movements with political agendas carry [Islamic] religious names. Why call it ‘Muslim Brotherhood’ or ‘Hezbollah (Party of Allah)’ or ‘Hamas’ or ‘Islamic Resistance Movement’? I answer them this — that the trend towards Islamic Law and Justice begins in religious movements, because secularism has failed to deliver what the Muslim wants, which is life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Imam Rauf also said, “The only law that the Muslim needs exists already in the Koran and the Hadith.” From an article titled “Sharing The Essence Of Our Beliefs” by Feisal Abdul Rauf, Al-Ghad Newspaper in Jordan, 5/9/2009 http://www.alghad.com/?article=12635.
While we can assume that Feisal Abdul Rauf will not participate in an explosive act, he sure supports organizations that trend towards what he calls “Islamic Law and Justice.” His words are more encouraging to the terrorists than they are to seeking a bridge to peace and harmony between Muslims and Non-Muslims in the US. The rhetoric of Islamic leaders in the Arabic language needs to be closely monitored, as it can identify them as fomenters of hate and terrorist recruiters.
Mainstream Muslim organizations that purport to act in the interests of our nation as loyal citizens are beyond a doubt, doing quite the opposite. Statements worse than those of Imam Rauf, including direct financial and moral support to Islamic terrorists, have been carried out by members of all the major Islamic organizations in America and are the purveyors of radicalism.
Ghassan Elashi of CAIR is serving 65-year prison sentence for funneling over 12 million dollars from the Holy Land Foundation to Hamas. Mousa Abu Marzook, a former CAIR official, was designated in 1995 by the U.S. government as a “terrorist and Hamas leader.” He now is a Hamas leader in Syria. Randall Royer, CAIR’s former civil rights coordinator, began serving a 20-year prison sentence in 2004 for aiding Al-Qaeda and the Taliban against American troops in Afghanistan as well as recruiting for Lashkar e-Taiba, the jihadist group responsible for the 2008 Jihad massacres in Mumbai. Bassem Khafagi, CAIR’s former community relations director, was arrested for involvement with the Islamic Assembly of North America, which was linked to Al-Qaeda. After pleading guilty to visa and bank fraud charges, Khafagi was deported. Rabih Haddad, a former CAIR fundraiser, was deported for his work with the Global Relief Foundation (which he co-founded), a terror-financing organization.
The number one radical Islamic organization in the USA is CAIR, which needs to be probed and shut down for sponsoring terror. Many peace-loving Muslims do support a probe of CAIR and the other major Islamic organizations. Those who don’t are likely supporting the radical agenda. While the terrorists’ goal is to spread Sharia, the Islamist political agenda creates radical Muslims, both of which have a goal to threaten our Constitution and replace it with Sharia law. Both act simultaneously to eradicate our way of life.
Congressman King:
Jihad, or what we define as Terrorism, comes in three forms – Jihad by the pen, Jihad by the sword and Jihad by finance. When one is not in a position of military strength he uses the pen, or propaganda. If one has military strength, he uses violence, including acts of terror. Jihad by finance comes in the form of money to fund both the propaganda and the terror. The major criticism of your hearing has come from CAIR and other major Muslim organizations, and the reason is simple – your efforts may threaten to expose their real agenda.
Walid has spoken all over America and the world including Chile, Mexico,
Canada, the UK and South Africa. He has also appeared on national television stations all over the world including CNN, CNN International, FOX News,
ITN, RTE, NBC, CBS, and ABC. He has also been featured on BBC
radio 4 and 5.
Speaking Highlights
לשלמה ידידי
הטרוריסט הרדיקלי שראה מקרוב את הסכנה שאורבת לעולם מהאיסלאם הרדיקאלי נטש את האיסלם והתנצר. הוא מכיר מקרוב את הבעיה הקיימת בארה" מהאיסלם הרדיקלי שפועל באין מפרי...
לשלמה ידידי
הטרוריסט הרדיקלי שראה מקרוב את הסכנה שאורבת לעולם מהאיסלאם הרדיקאלי נטש את האיסלם והתנצר. הוא מכיר מקרוב את הבעיה הקיימת בארה" מהאיסלם הרדיקלי שפועל באין מפריע במשך שנים רבות תחת מסווה של עמותות עזרה וסעד ל"סטודנטים" מוסלמים, קרי טרוריסטים כדוגמת עמותת CARE שהואשמה לאחרונה בהעברת כספים לאירגון החמס. . הוא מצטרף אל הלבנונית בריג'יט גבריאל שעומדת בראש האירגון למילחמה באיסלאם הרדיקלי. גם היא הייתה מוסלמית ממחנות הפליטים בלבנון וראתה את מה שעוללו לעמם. ישראל סייעה לה ולאמה שניפצעה ומאז היא לוחמת באיסלאם הרדיקלי ומשבחת את ישראל.
אותנו מעניין כאן הצד הבידורי ההומוריסטי . תודה על הכתבה שהעלאת